Hi, I’m Charlotte!
Mum of two chubby little ones and an even chubbier chocolate Labrador.
I never really thought about sleep until I had children and now it appears to be one of the most common topics of conversation I have with my friends, family and new mums I meet out and about (and that’s even before I became a Sleep Consultant!).
My Story
How I Got Started
When I had my son, I knew I would have many nights of broken sleep, but when he was 20 weeks old and was waking every 45 minutes through the night and only taking naps that lasted 20-45 minutes long, I wasn’t sure how I was going to cope. More importantly, I had no idea how I could help him get the rest he so clearly needed.
I just thought babies slept! “sleeping like a baby” right? I didn’t realise I needed to help him unlock his sleep potential. I spent my whole maternity leave striving to get him on the perfect schedule and obsessing about his sleep routine. It wasn’t healthy and looking back I wish I hadn’t as I would have enjoyed the experience so much more. Whilst I managed to crack it and get him into a good routine and sleeping through the night, I didn’t ever relax as I was terrified it would go back to the early days torture
When I had my daughter, I took a totally different approach. I ensured that from day one, my family all implemented positive and healthy sleep habits with her. She has been a little dream and we have a happy and well rested family lifestyle now and I am so much more relaxed and enjoying being a mum of two.

Rather than an unhealthy obsession with sleep I had with my son all those years ago, I now have a genuine passion for it.
I love helping families reach their sleep goals and save them from months of exhaustion, frustration and sleep deprived heart ache.
Let me save your family’s sleep.